Engineering Stream Selector

Find Your Engineering Path

Discover the most suitable engineering branch for you with the Engineering Stream Selector!

Engineering Stream Selector

1. Which subject do you enjoy the most?

2. A machine breaks down. What do you do?

3. What gets you excited?

4. Your team misses a project deadline. You...

5. What’s your dream project?

6. You’re stuck on a problem. You...

7. What tool do you love?

8. A client wants a fast solution. You...

9. What’s your favorite game?

10. Your teacher assigns a project. You...

11. What do you watch online?

12. A part fails during testing. You...

13. What inspires you?

14. Your ideal workspace is...

15. You’re late on a task. You...

16. What skill do you want?

17. What bores you?

18. Your dream summer job is...

19. A test is tough. You...

20. In a debate, you...

21. How do you learn best?

22. Your favorite club is...

23. What’s your proudest moment?

24. You like taking risks?

25. How do you prep for a talk?

26. What reward do you want?

27. What relaxes you?

28. Your dream job is...

29. In a team, you’re...

30. Your big goal is...

Your Engineering Stream Roadmap